The Adventures: A Testimony of Revelation and Redemption.

My testimony:

In 1999: My walk began at age 10, at that point I had been "christened" in the catholic church as a new born,
been a part of union baptist in california until the age of 7.

We left cali after 1 week of 5.5 magnitude earthquakes .

We get to Texas in 1997, 

and in 1999 my family and I,

I was baptised at 10 yrs old. 
For the next 7 yrs,  I learned everything I could at the LDS religion. 

In 2006: At the age of 17, I had graduated Homeschool, had a job,a car,a new hip device called a CELLULAR PHONE. 🀣.
AND the serpent , was grabbing at my coat tails.

In which I did!

I went into the tail.
left religion for the 1st time in my life. (Won't be the last time though).

I experimented with fornication, bisexualism, pills,and other satanic rituals. This continued for about 3-4 yrs.

In 2009: I was 20, 
one night out by myself, 
I came across a man,
 who now I call my Husband: Larry.

 Still being led by the serpent,
 we began a Tryst.

The lounge we met at was a
 25 yrs old and over lounge, 
so naturally He believed I was 25.
 And I did not correct his idea. 
We partied, drank, and fought a lot. 

Fast forward to my 21st birthday
(he still didn't know i wasn't 25) .

We moved in together, unmarried. 
At this point he had proposed once, and I declined

We did sooo many unholy things 
in the first 5 yrs of our relationship, 
that I knew, 

Ahayah wouldn't dare
 let us in! 
We were headed straight for hell!

But also in 2009, i had a coworker , 
wreck my whole world, 
I was part of the Beehive, 
loved beyoncè.
 And he told me " you know she and jay z are part if the aluminaughti" (obviously mispelled) but when i looked at google that's how i spelled it.

Thats when the "conspiracy theories " began!  

I even started a public page On Facebook called " the lies the government told."

I was consumed, I watched youtube for hrs, not going to sleep until 6-7am for 2 months straight. 

Then Ahayah, revealed to me 
(without even realizing it was Ahayah. )
 That it wasn't only hollywood, music industry, entertainment industry.

  It was also Government,and Religion (Catholicism) being led by the pope (false prophet).

2014: Fast forward 5 yrs to April 2014 and my 25th birthday.

Ahayah called me to Himself in a dream. 
He spoke with me, and told me "I am calling my people to mysekf!
to be MY BRIDE." 
HE told me " Will you be My Bride?" 
I gladly accepted. 

I was worried though, that the man I had spent the last 5 yrs with, 
would potentially leave me, 
bc I had chosen to rededicate 
myself to Ahayah. 

Because, of how we met, and lived in Hell-ish Sin.

None the less I was committed to sticking by God's side!
No matter the outcome. 

But I did ask Ahayah, 
if it be HIS WILL,
 to allow Larry to accept me...
 As i began this new Adventure with 
Massiah Yashayah! 🀲🀲🀲 

God came to me in a second dream and told me to
 "Pray for Larry & Our Relationship!"

  But He also told me... to tell the truth about my age,first. 

See, when we met in 2009, he believed I was 25 (was only 20), so we had been together for 5 yrs.

He figured I was turning 30, when,in fact i was barely turning 25 in 2014. 

So I repented, and came clean about my true age, and asked larry to forgive me.

 And by the Power of Ahayah, 
He laughed,
shook his head
 and said 
"you fooled me bry, but you're still my pumpkin." 

We never mentioned it again, outside of a occassional laugh. 

So I began praying daily, that soon I could tell larry i was ready to be a born again believer.

3 weeks passed by, 
at the end of April,
 I add my facebook acquaintence Eric... and his fb friend Audrelyn Grace.

I was invited to a religious conference called " Watchmen on the wall" Hosted by Faithful Walk Healing Ministry, Prophetess Mena Lee Grebin.

The ad for it was on fb.

 So on the drive over, I began to have an anxiety attack, (satans demon trying to deter me, from making it to the conference.) 

So immediately i began praying Feverently!

 I remember praying that This Prophet wasn't a FALSE PROPHET,
as soo many I had crossed paths with were. 

I finally get to the Hotel where the conference is being held, and it is Owned and ran by Middle Eastern Islamist.
 Idk why that stuck with me all of these years, but it did.

I get to the conference room and get seated, low and behold no one i had met on fb Regarding the conference, shiwed up! πŸ₯ΊπŸ€¦‍♀️. 
But hey, I'm there, so I STAYED. 

THE conference begins with world events , catastrophe, calamities, mass animal die-offs of 2012-2014...
Revelations were given to & by  Prophetess Mena.

of the future signs and seals.
We worshipped, and The Holy Spirit
 came in a very Powerful way!

  Even though next room over they had a wedding or birthday playing very loud R&b,hip hop music, that kept flooding into our room.

There was 1 sentence that broke my walls all the way down...It was
 "  We look at Yashayah, 
As our brother, our Saviour,
 our Redeemer, our Healer....

BUT do you receive HIM as THE LOVER OF YOUR SOUL?"

I had hit my breaking point, as we all have to before we truly become His Bride!

That DAY July 10th,2014 I truely returned my Soul to God, and never turned back! 

THIS By no means, 
Means that I'm Sinless...
 none of us are!
 But I know the power of repentance with the intention of change.

Now, I have backslidden into sin,
  as is, the natural state of the Flesh.

 But I can tell you,
 that if you have remorse for the sin
 you have committed...

And you have made up the mind,
 to never return back to it, 
With true faith that the Ahayah 
will forgive you, So it will be done!

 From 2014,
when I gave my life back to Yashayah, 

I had entered into Messianic Judaism which taught me about keeping the Holy Days, beginning with The Sabbath, found in leviticus 23.

 The importance of keeping the 10 commandments, 
 which is the seal of Ahayah in Deuteronomy chapter 6.

 And I studied and learned for almost 3 years... before the Lord called me out of it,
 and took me somewhere else so that I may learn something else.

 Many have dicredited me, 
or tried to at least ,
because I have moved from religion to religion.

 From ministry to ministry.
And it appears on the outside to be instability.

 But like my mother has always taught me...

 Faith is like a stairwell,
 that you are climbing
 step-by-step and sometimes
 those steps lead you into
 another path...

 That the world cannot understand. ( JOHN 14:15-17).

And each step, you're gaining in Faith and in Wisdom!

 From messianic Judaism, I fell into  diverse beliefs.
 That taught me the importance of reading the scriptures, as well as the importance of baptism.

 The last ministry I was apart of,
 for 16 months...
AHAYAH called me out Of in September 2019.

He told me to get on His SABBATH, again because I had been deceived into worshipping the new moon sabbath...

 So after much prayer and supplication Ahayah revealed that His Sabbath ,
was indeed always the 7th day being Saturday,
in this this time and dispensation..

 And that I needed to forsake all human teachings and  religion...

To allow the Holy Spirit to teach me the word...
And of course I obliged!

 He also told me that there was coming a time ,
that all the brick and mortar churches would be shut down.

 This was September 2019
 and by March 2020 ,
 the pandemic hit and 
churches were indeed, shut down!

 He also told me in 2019 that it was time for us to go underground.
 And I didn't quite understand,
 so I sought him in prayer...

 HE referred me to return back to the same ministry,
 that I gave my life to HIM at Their conference.

 For the Thursday night Bible study.
 So I obeyed him and that next Thursday ,
I joined back in.

And Prophetess  Mena, Was on there talking about a documentary called :sheep among wolves"
 by FAI studios on YouTube.

 And I looked it Up...

And it was about the underground church of Iran.
 And how it's a whole movement, especially in countries that 
do not have religious freedoms!
That they have to physically go underground,
 to worship and there's 
no ministers, no choirs...
 It is just Believers reading in
 underground bunkers 
and praying in silence.
 Letting the Holy Spirit teach them the holy scriptures.

 And it was The confirmation,  I needed from when He,
 told me to become part of His underground body!  
That past Saturday ...
When He referred me to return to that Bible Study. 

 From that moment I never returned back, to any physical ministry.

But I have learned expeditiously Way more in the last going on 3 years 
 than what I did in the 29 years beforehand!

 And when people ask me " are you a Christian?"

 I say no.

 Which is confusing to them,
 because they like to categorize
 Believers, in religious boxes.

 I let them know I am a disciple of the 

 "And the truth will set you free, Your word is truth!" - John 8:32.

 "The Word was MADE flesh and
made HIS  DWELLING among us!" - John 1:14

"And Yeshua came up to them and spoke to them, saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, immersing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Ruach ha-Kodesh, teaching them to observe all I have commanded you. And remember! I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18‭-‬20 

 So since 2019,
I have focused on learning all of the scriptures.
 the "old and New Testament"
 the "old and new covenants"
 from the Ruach Ahayah. 
 The scriptures are puzzle pieces,
that you have to connect with the guidance of the Holy Spirit!

 But John 14:15 thru 17,
 you cannot even obtain the Holy Spirit without keeping the commandments 1st.

and you can't leave out one or the other this is not a  Buffet-where you pick & choose what applies to you or what you like.

 And lately the Lord has been showing me that religion ,
was created at the hands of the devils ...
to cause distraction and contention and separation not unity.

 Massiah Yashayah, came  to bring unity by the abolishment of religion!

 He did not join the Roman pagans',

 which later turned into Catholicism and Christianity ( under Constantine)

 And you also didn't see Him join in with the pharisees and the high priest or the saducees aka Judaism. 

 But what we do see in the scriptures are these 2 religionist joining together to sacrifice Massiah Yashayah. 

So not only must we unlearn Everything we've learned in childhood-adulthood..
 We have to give up our traditions, 

because the Holy Spirit will not live within us,
 when we're not willing to give up the same things that sacrificed a part of Him!

 This is my testimony.  

I pray it does not fall on deaf ears, or blind eyes... 

I pray that you take it to prayer for confirmation  That everything I have written with divine inspiration from the Holy Spirit,

 Is true!

Shalom Shalom, 
A Disciple's Point of View 
Bryana Lyons.  πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


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