The synagogue of satan is distracting us again.

This " war" is  spiritual, not  physical! 

Now it is going to be fought in the physical,  
but its motivation is coming from the 
demonic spiritual realm.

I need yall to download for free, " the synagogue of satan " from Google. 
You will then understand that the 
13 richest families (satanic elite) 
own 99% of the banks including 
the federal reserve, also control 99%
 of all countries.

and their prime
 Ministers, president, queen/kings,
International gangs( cartel,cia,fbi,isis,
And they own stocks and bonds
 in every country, and become
 immensely Wealthy when war 
Begins, and the longer it lasts,
The wealthier they become.

They don't loose, only the poor citizens, casualties of war.

Like George Bush, will admit, he lost
 focus on why "we" stayed in the 
middle east  as long as we did.
 Bc it wasn't him calling the shots, 
 it was his management,  aka
 synagogue of satan...the bankster's elite.

 And what happened after 8 years?
Nothing, we got a new puppet called
A president...

But now we are looking down the tunnel of ww3, and what are we doing? 
We're playing politics and choosing sides.

Like we've been blindly taught to do ,subconsciously( spiritual)
by the books Taught in
 "school" aka indoctrination
 camps, by the books ,that the
Synagogue of satan pays for..

It's a never ending cycle, but there's Hope!
But, 1st we must stop looking with our 2 physical eyes, close then, and open our spiritual eye, the pineal gland!

If AHAYAH is Spirit....
Then we have to worship in spirit ( spiritual eye) & TRUTH, His Word is Truth. 

So my brothers' & sisters' 
I pray that we all will gain
 wisdom from the Holy Spirit,
 thru keeping the Covenant 
of the 10 commandments.

That Ahayah Did not have
 to create with us, but thru
 His Grace and mercy, 
 did... For the Love of His Children.  
I hope this help you decide to stop seeing what going on physically and realize
 with the real spiritual eye , what's happening in the spirit realm.

So We may be prepared for the return of Yashayah,  which is approaching very quickly!

 And for the people, who will
 not take heed, who will not
 open their spiritual eye, 
who will not take the covenant 
of the 10 commandments seriously...
 The day that Massiah returns...
Will Not be the end of the world...
 Simply because the 7th seal,
( 7 bowls of wrath on the unfaithful, 
aka left behind)
hadn't commenced.  

 and better yet said "they will seek death and will not find it!"

Pray you are not one who is left behind,  like the 5 foolish virgins...
Who ran out of oil AKA faith.
Found in Matthew 25. 

As with all things,  take this to prayer, in union with the Ruach Ahayah,  for confirmation. 

Shalom Shalom, 
A Disciple's Point of View .


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