Hanukkah & Messiah Immanuel..

 Hanukkah, is the celebration of Oil/Light. The Re-dedication of The Temple, after the Greek-Syrian oppressors had defiled it.

There was a small remnant/militia, (Macabees) that stood up to the giant enemy army, and with the Mighty Power, of The Most High, was able to prevail over the thousands of the greek-syrian army.

They found a jug of pure oil ,
that was to be enough to light the lamp for one day. The issue was 
that only the priests (Levites) were qualified to make.
And it took 8 days to make New Pure Oil.

But The Most High, allowed that Oil, that was only enough for one day, to be extended, for all 8 days, until the New Pure Oil was ready , to Rededicate The Holy Temple. 

Now tying Hanukkah in to Matthew 25:1-13.
Parable of the 10 Virgins, is where the Mystery is.  

The 5 wise virgins with plenty of oil... Represents the Remnant, those disciples who get their Refill of Faith (oil) by The Holy Spirit, because they choose to keep the 10 commandments of Yeshua (Salvation). They don't get weary waiting on The Son of Man.
The 5 Un-wise Virgins, on the other hand, feel like they have plenty of time to galavant. To chose to set the 10 Commandments of Yeshua, down, for a few moments to Live their lives, but inherently causes them, in those final moments to run out of Oil (Faith), and they think that those who have kept the Faith, should be generous to share their Favor.

 Yet the Wise realize that If they start communing, with the unwise, then they will fall off the path of Faithfulness,( or run out of oil. )

 So they send them on the way,
 so that they won't become distracted, themselves.

 And as soon as they head on the way, 
The bridegroom, The Son of man returns!!

And those disciples, who never stopped keeping the 10 commandments, never stopped allowing Faith to runneth over, were ready! 

Where as, the ill-prepared Un-wise Virgins, come back. 
 After an excursion,
 To find themselves being locked out of the wedding chamber.

 AKA the gathering of the Faithful Saints,
that takes place in Matthew 24:29 through 31.For the Faithful. 

 But the unwise virgins, They find themselves left behind... like the world in revelation 6:12 through 17.

 Now to tie in The celebration of Hanukkah to the virgins...

 We are the 3rd and final temple of the Lord.

 And all of us,
 have fallen short of keeping our temples pure.( Defiled Temple)

 There is not one perfect human outside of Messiah Immanu'EL.(Salvation of Temple).

 One jug of Pure oil left undefiled (Holy Spirit IN those disciples who Honor and keep 10 commandments ).The 1 Body of Messiah, (Macabee Army)

The number 8 represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man's true 'born again' event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life.

8th day The Highest Priest, Our Salvation Messiah Immanuel...
Renews the Oil,Faith,Spirit in Those who didn't loose Faith in His 10 commandments, 

Or lose Faith in His Return. 

All is Restored!!
I pray this inspires someone, who is searching for Hope and Faith.
Shalom Shalom, 
A Disciple's Point of View. 


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