Where is your light?

In the Holy Word, Adonai writes to us in His Servants, to correct our steps, to Inspire us to be obedient to His Commandments, Laws, & Decrees, so that The Ruach HaKodesh,  can fill us. 

The Ruach HaKodesh, is the Essence of Light, sent from Elohim, to be Our Comforter.  

This is How Adonai communicates to us. Before Yeshua came, Elohim communicated thru objects and animals. The nature He Created!

Then Yeshua came and ABBA communicated thru Him.
But Yeshua knew His time was short, and He prepared His Disciples for the Comforter. 

Now when Yeshua was  crucified,  and Resurrected,  He Spent time after Here on earth, TEACHING  His Disciples.  The Day of Ascension for Yeshua ,was a remarkable one.  

Remarkable because,  Everything The Holy Words of YHVH, occured just as it proclaimed. 

The Heavens opened up to Receive  Our King, and ABBA released the Ruach HaKodesh,  the Comforter .

So not one single day in the entirety of this Universe, has Adonai's people been without  HIM, whether it be in a burning bush, a walking stick, a donkey,or a Tornado. 
To Yeshua and the Ruach HaKodesh,  ABBA'S BEEN WITH US.

NOW FOR OUR GENERATION  He is the Ruach HaKodesh! The Light within our Spirits! 

We walk around this darkened earth, and we see the serpents seeds, oppressing the lost souls, and snare at us that Allow ourselves become Vessels of Light (Ruach HaKodesh).

 As this world becomes Darker, bc the serpents time is winding up,  and it's getting desperate.  Adonai is Increasing His Power in His Disciples! Our light is reaching all 4 corners of the world,  JUST LIKE THE HOLY WORD PROCLAIMED  THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO!

We must learn that to be in the Presence of the Ruach HaKodesh,  is to be Chastised, condemned,  not out of hate, but out of Righteousness.  

We cannot  be Vessels of Light, and have darkness (sin) within us!

So I am Compelling you all to look in The Spirit, and Evaluate your own self, to see "Where your Light Is"!

As with all things , Take this to Prayer!

- A Disciples point of View 💜



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