The Eternal Realm of the Ruach.

This evening I started thinking about what's the separation between this physical Realm and  YHVH's Spiritual Realm...

 For we know He is Almighty and created both!

 About 2 weeks ago, Abba told me that "anything my physical eyes saw was an illusion."

 That the physical  Realm belonged to the best illusionist satan,  Like he said to Messiah Yeshua in Matthew 4:
Dominion was given to him by Eve &Adam, The very moment they ate of the fruit... 
This is precisely why the serpent felt comfortable tempting Messiah Yeshua!!!

 Because when he tried it 4000 years prior with Adam-and-Eve, they fell for his traps and snares... 

 And in every generation after  Adam-and-Eve It grew in power (due to lawlessness) Over its dominion...

But just like Yeshua commanded the serpent to flee, and it obeyed His command in Matthew 4
We, As Disciples of Yeshua, have the Same Almighty &Powerful Spirit (Ruach of Adonai) Living within Us. 

 What we have to understand now,is that many people who claim to have the Holy Spirit are not disciples of Yeshua. Therefore are operating in an illusionist spirit from this earth.

 To be his disciple you must 1st learn to deny yourself, pick up your cross, and to follow him.
 Only after you do that will you take the 10 commandments seriously.

You must repent, 
be Baptised, Receive the Holy Spirit( Which happens simultaneously With baptism)!

 By submitting to Adonai, Knowing and KEEPING His Commandments,and all of His Word,  Then go and disciple the world!
Matthew 28
 That is how you become a disciple of Messiah Yeshua.  It is a very simple process that most of the world will miss because, they have been blinded by satan with their physical eyes looking at religion.. 
(Hametz = leaven, represents sin in the Word of Yah)

 So right here we see the King of kings warning His Disciples (Yeshua Faith) to be careful of the sin of those they considered religious leaders(judaism,christianity,and all religion).

 But in this scripture,there is a mystery. Hametz =leaven or sin. 
the serpent is the owner of this earth,sin, and the religious entities...

 As messiah has said many times I did not come to abolish the law or prophets...but to fulfill them!!!

However, He came to abolish religion, and the religious folks killed him... (the kjv says kill him)
 At 1 point  He even Compelled A pharisee to follow him and to leave his position as a religious entity. ( Which of course we know he did not, but he did leave a sack of gold by the fountain for Messiah)
 But even  nicodemus Leaving the sack of gold by the fountain for Messiah and his disciples, Is a mystery revealed..

 This Religious pharisee ,could not give up his title, his religion, or The riches that came with it all...
but he was willing to donate some for a good cause.
Like we see these churches and ministers doing today...

 Now switching to the realm that only can be seen by the spirit.

Abba 2 weeks ago in the same encounter told me " Whatever your physical eyes see is illusion ,

but what your spiritual eye or 3rd eye Sees is Reality" 
 Because I Am (El Shaddai) Spirit!! HalleluYAH!
 But because the Prince of the Earth Has been lying to the inhabitants of The Earth, for many thousands of years. The lies appear to be "truth" 
(Btw, "Oy" is hebrew for Woe, which is a severe warning!!)

  But in Matthew 24:14

 It proclaims that the good news of the Kingdom will be proclaimed to the whole world, And only then will the End come!!!!

  ☆We see that thanks to technology we can reach every corner of the Earth through Internet,& Deliver the Good News!!!

☆Without racking up billions of dollars of debt  for missionary trips...

 ☆We see the brick and mortar buildings we call churches shut down.(our bodies are His Temple, and we as a Collective in Yeshua Faith is His Church)

‐And so far over 2000 ministers around the world have died due to the plagues and pestilences (covid) of the 4th seal (May Yah have Mercy and Grace on their souls) 

 And as we see the darkness grow as the Anti-Christ  Roams the earth.... (irrelevant)

We also see the Bride Making herself ready, and Discipling the Entire Earth. So that the End will come! 

 IM so prayerful,

 that you who are reading this, 

 will take all of what I am saying to prayer , ask if anything i've written is false or true...

And to ask Yeshua Into your Heart,to open your Spiritual Eye, so that you can Behold the Lamb of God

Ask Him for Forgiveness, and that He may Purify your Soul,Heart,Mind,and Body..

 TO allow you to Be His Vessel, that He will Live within you, and Give you His Seal!

In Yeshua HaMashiac's Kadosh (Holy) Name,Amein!

Our King is Coming!!!

When Yisrael in Unison says "Baruch Haba B'shem Yeshua" 

 Is when He will return. 

Our job as disciples are to awaken Israel!

Shalom Shalom Aleichem,
☆ A Disciples Point of ViewπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


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