The first 6 seals of Revelation in the end of the age!!
Seal one was opened in 2012, ( when the Mayan calendar ended because of their serpent-god came to earth ) aka satan.
A beast of Death was released .
In America, treyvon Martin in 2012 was killed by a security officer bc of his race, That was pretty much the beginning of people being killed based off of racism. And then Chicago adopted obama's gun laws and they are now the worst crime filled city in the USA.
Also isis appeared in 2013 killing Christians all over the world π. That was seal #2
Seal #3 God Has allowed locust, and floods to continually Year after year to destroy the earth's crops.
Do you remember the mass animal die offs in 2013-now?
*she'ol= hell*
All of this fits sword (chemical warfare,famine,plague,and beast) causing millions to die.
July 26, 2020 God told me personally That the 5th seal had been opened. And I replied to Him ,
But the 4th seal hasn't closed completely. And he told me that he was shortening the time before his return.
For then there will be great trouble, such as has not happened since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. And unless those days were cut short, no one would be delivered. But for the sake of the chosen, those days will be cut short.
Matthew 24:21-22
And in those 2 headlines came on the very day& a couple days after Yah told me the 5th seal was opening! #Confirmation
The 5th seal is where Christians turn 10 commandment keepers and True God fearing believers over to the government to be killed..
Just like the disciples ,who walked with Jesus, were handed over by the religious Jews ,
to the government to be crucified...
Because lawlessness will multiply, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. This Good News of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Matthew 24:12-14
God showed me in Matthew 24:29-31
The Gathering (rapture),where Yeshua comes for His disciples.
Is the 6th seal!!!
I'll explain how I came to the realization, that His Gathering was in the 6th seal...
In Matthew 24:29-31, there are 4 signs that the entire earth will witness:
That aligns with Revelation 6:12-17:aka the 6th seal!
I saw when the Lamb opened the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake. The sun became as black as sackcloth made of goat’s hair, and the full moon became like blood. The stars of heaven fell to the earth like a fig tree drops unripe figs when shaken by a great wind. The heaven ripped apart like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from their places. Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the military commanders and the rich and the mighty and everyone—slave and free—hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. And they tell the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
The Revelation 6:12-17
So Matthew 24:29-31 is Yeshua talking to Us, His disciples aka followers, about being gathered by His Holy Angels and the sound of the Shofar (trumpet)
There would be four signs
1.where the Sun would go dark,
2. the moon would go red,
3. the stars would fall,
4.a great earthquake would happen.
And in Revelation 6:12-14 we see in the 6th seal 4 events happening,
1.sun turns dark
2. Moon goes red
3. Stars falling(possible meteorite)
4. Huge earthquake felt over the entire world π.
It's found in the 6th Seal! #ParalleledProphecy
So this aligns perfectly for His return to get His disciples!
but the rest of the world and Christians Who don't keep his Sabbath on Saturday,
Who don't keep his holy days, Who don't keep the whole 10 commandments, Will not be raptured!
& to know what comes after his disciples are raptured you must read revelations chapter 8 the 7th seal That is where the Anti-Christ will reign and bring down terror to the new converts who see the disciples raptured and begin to believe.
As with all things, take this to prayer!
Shalom Shalom,
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