QaDash: A story of Delight in Yah's Holy Days

Tell me the story of when you started following the Holy Feasts of Lev.23? Here's mine:

After forsaking God for 7 years, I returned back to him. And I knew that the sabbath was when I wanted to worship not on Sunday, So it narrowed Where I could worship, We decided to become Messianic Jewish  And there we realized that God had appointed times for His children to follow.
That was also the beginning of realizing that Christianity had adopted the pagan Roman church's Agenda and ways.

So every year since 2014, we've observed  The Sabbath ,firstly. And the Holy Feasts!

It is Amazing how Yah calls us to His Holy Sabbath, and the delight grows in keeping The rest of the QaDash Days.

That's why Yah says His Sheep Delight not only in His Holy Sabbath, and Days, but also in His Commandments. 

These are the things, that separates the QaDash, from the rest of mankind. 

Notice  in Genesis ch.1  Lord created mankind in their image. And told them to multiply and subdue the Earth. A pretty generalized account.  

Then directly after that Yah Sanctified the Sabbath. For it was to be a Holy Convocation, ( the 1st one!)!!

Then the account of the detail-oriented of the Creation of Adamah and Havilah. Aka Adam-and-Eve...

Why did Yah make the Creations in that order?

Here's why: 

1.Mankind is the majority,  generalized public.

2. Sabbath is the Seal of the Remnant. 

3. Then Yah's Remnant was Intricately Made.

See the Secret of the Remnant is the Sabbath.  So anyone including the generalized Public  can become the Remnant, IF they chose to join in with the Sabbath and Holy Convocations. 

As with all things,  take this to prayer 🤲🤲🤲💜💜💜.

A Disciples point of View 

Shalom Shalom. 


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