Why the 🌎 world (& most Christians) don't follow Yahveh's Holy Days!

Last Night, Speaking  with my Bible study Leader at my dining room table, as we were preparing  to take Communion to observe  the first Sabbath of August. 

 So we get on the subjects of "why don't the world and christians follow God's holy days found in leviticus 23?

 When you read you will see that the Sabbath is the 1st day that should be a holy convocation to YahVeh, on a weekly  basis on the 7th day.  🤲🙌🙏.

(Ps. Check your calendar, and realize that Sunday is the 1st day of the week,  and Saturday is the 7th day... This is because Pope Gregory VIII ,
who made the Gregorian calendar named the days after the planets.

 Although that is paganist, it still shows you where the 7 day is. 
Sunday is the 1st day of the week because the sun is the 1st planet in orbit.
 Saturday is the 7th day of the week because Saturn is the 7th planet in orbit!!!)
 So getting back on track with the conversation we had.

 My Bible study leader said that she hadn't ever observed,  the Holy Days... That she knew people did,  but  They never did in Christianity.

 Which I can concur because I was raised in Christianity, For the most part many denominations don't even go into the Old Testament, And when they do it's just a generalized reading, they don't dig in deep.

And I asked her,
 "why do you think that Christianity, * most of it I'm not gonna say all,*
 Don't practice what was commanded to Moses, for all the generations of the Israelites, even into the end times? "

 It is because Christianity is not the faith of Yeshua (meaning salvation).

 The Lord, a couple months ago,
 told me to know this for certain... "Christianity will hand over the communities of God,
 to the governments in the 5th seal ,
which we are in right now!"

 In Matthew 24 the disciples come to the Lord on mount olives and ask what will be the sign of your return?
He replied:
 I want you to see in what context was Yeshua answering to?
 He was speaking to his disciples, ( when the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven are explained, It is never to the world but always to his disciples (AKA a small remnant)
because they are the elect,

 not the world(AKA the majority).)

And another thing,   He says do not be deceived  of false teachers saying "I am the messiah or the messiah is here or there."

 In this is a mystery, Because who comes and says , they come in the name of Yeshua?

 It for sure isn't the atheist, the paganist, the satanist, the islamist, the jewish,  or any other religion. 

It is the christian....so Yeshua warned His Disciples...

  of the christians...

 And I know many people will be triggered by this....

 But how many denominations of Christianity are there around the world?

 There's over 50,000...
Just 6 years ago there was only 44,000.

 And they all proclaim to believe in the word of God,
 and they're telling you to come follow them and join their congregation.

 But if Christianity was the true way, there would only be one body and not 50,000 different bodies.

IF Christianity was the true way they would cling 2 God's holy days , beginning with the Sabbath (7th day aka Saturday) and they do not.

 And this is precisely why the Lord's tell's Israel to judge the fruit of anyone person.
 But isn't one of the favorite tag lines of any Christian person thou-shalt-not judge?

We as Israel are commanded to judge the Fruit,  where it's good or bad Fruit. 

 So why do they go against everything the Lord in His word, tells us to do? 

 They have an excuse as to why we shouldn't do it?

Like the Sabbath,  The Holy Days,  Judging Fruit. 
 It is because they are not God's disciples. 

Notice every time the Lord gave a command, it was directed at His disciples, His elect, His bride.

 As with all things take this to Abba and prayer.

Shalom Shalom Aleichem, 
A Disciples Point of View.  


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