Larry's journey
April 13th,2023 Larry was receiving his 2nd chemotherapy treatment. He was feeling good, and had plenty of energy. The very next day he develops a fever, and he told my mom that he felt like he was coming down with the flu... But He didn't want to go to the hospital. So 6 days pass, we ate now at April 20th, 2023. I was up at 4am, to Larry conscious but,non-responding. He couldn't move, or unclinch his teeth or hands. We called 911, they took him to chippenham hospital. They admitted him with a viral infection, after waiting 30 hrs and him getting fluids and antibiotics, he was more agile, but suffering from delirium. He gets to his room. After 2 days he's finally able to swallow juice, up until then it was nose-tube feeding of a liquid protein supplement. He's super swollen from all the fluids being pumped thru his body. On day 5, his fever spiked, and th we y transferred Guinn l...