
Larry's journey

April 13th,2023 Larry was receiving his 2nd chemotherapy treatment. He was feeling good, and had plenty of energy.  The very next day he develops a fever, and he told my mom that he felt like he was coming down with the flu... But He didn't want to go to the hospital. So 6 days pass, we ate now at April 20th, 2023. I was up at 4am, to Larry conscious but,non-responding.  He couldn't move, or unclinch his teeth or hands. We called  911, they took him to chippenham hospital. They admitted him with a viral infection,  after waiting 30 hrs and him getting fluids and antibiotics,  he was more agile, but suffering from delirium.   He gets to his room. After 2 days he's finally able to swallow juice, up until then it was nose-tube feeding of a liquid protein supplement.  He's super swollen from all the fluids being pumped thru his body. On day 5, his fever spiked, and th we y transferred Guinn l...

Hanukkah & Messiah Immanuel..

 Hanukkah, is the celebration of Oil/Light. The Re-dedication of The Temple, after the Greek-Syrian oppressors had defiled it.  There was a small remnant/militia, (Macabees) that stood up to the giant enemy army, and with the Mighty Power, of The Most High, was able to prevail over the thousands of the greek-syrian army. They found a jug of pure oil , that was to be enough to light the lamp for one day. The issue was  that only the priests (Levites) were qualified to make. And it took 8 days to make New Pure Oil.  But The Most High, allowed that Oil, that was only enough for one day, to be extended, for all 8 days, until the New Pure Oil was ready , to Rededicate The Holy Temple.  Now tying Hanukkah in to Matthew 25:1-13. Parable of the 10 Virgins, is where the Mystery is.    The 5 wise virgins with plenty of oil... Represents the Remnant, those disciples who get their Refill of Faith (oil) by The Holy Spirit, because they choose to keep the 10 commandments ...

The Adventures: A Testimony of Revelation and Redemption.

My testimony: In 1999: My walk began at age 10, at that point I had been "christened" in the catholic church as a new born, been a part of union baptist in california until the age of 7. We left cali after 1 week of 5.5 magnitude earthquakes . We get to Texas in 1997,  and in 1999 my family and I,  join the LDS (MORMON) RELIGION. I was baptised at 10 yrs old.  For the next 7 yrs,  I learned everything I could at the LDS religion.  In 2006: At the age of 17, I had graduated Homeschool, had a job,a car,a new hip device called a CELLULAR PHONE. 🤣. AND the serpent , was grabbing at my coat tails. **Disclaimer: IN TEXAS AT THE AGE OF 17, YOU'RE  CONSIDERED AN ADULT,AND CAN GET YOUR APARTMENT.** In which I did! I went into the tail. left religion for the 1st time in my life. (Won't be the last time though). I experimented with fornication, bisexualism, pills,and other satanic rituals. This continued for about 3-4 yrs. In 2009: I was 20,  one nig...

The synagogue of satan is distracting us again.

This " war" is  spiritual, not  physical!  Now it is going to be fought in the physical,   but its motivation is coming from the  demonic spiritual realm. I need yall to download for free, " the synagogue of satan " from Google.  You will then understand that the  13 richest families (satanic elite)  own 99% of the banks including  the federal reserve, also control 99%  of all countries. and their prime  Ministers, president, queen/kings, International gangs( cartel,cia,fbi,isis, Taliban,etc.) And they own stocks and bonds  in every country, and become  immensely Wealthy when war  Begins, and the longer it lasts, The wealthier they become. They don't loose, only the poor citizens, casualties of war. Like George Bush, will admit, he lost  focus on why "we" stayed in the  middle east  as long as we did.  Bc it wasn't him calling the shots,   it was h...

QaDash: A story of Delight in Yah's Holy Days

Tell me the story of when you started following the Holy Feasts of Lev.23? Here's mine: After forsaking God for 7 years, I returned back to him. And I knew that the sabbath was when I wanted to worship not on Sunday, So it narrowed Where I could worship, We decided to become Messianic Jewish  And there we realized that God had appointed times for His children to follow. That was also the beginning of realizing that Christianity had adopted the pagan Roman church's Agenda and ways. So every year since 2014, we've observed  The Sabbath ,firstly. And the Holy Feasts! It is Amazing how Yah calls us to His Holy Sabbath, and the delight grows in keeping The rest of the QaDash Days. That's why Yah says His Sheep Delight not only in His Holy Sabbath, and Days, but also in His Commandments.  These are the things, that separates the QaDash, from the rest of mankind.  Notice  in Genesis ch.1  Lord created mankind in their image. And told them to mult...

Why the 🌎 world (& most Christians) don't follow Yahveh's Holy Days!

Last Night, Speaking  with my Bible study Leader at my dining room table, as we were preparing  to take Communion to observe  the first Sabbath of August.   So we get on the subjects of "why don't the world and christians follow God's holy days found in leviticus 23?  When you read you will see that the Sabbath is the 1st day that should be a holy convocation to YahVeh, on a weekly  basis on the 7th day.  🤲🙌🙏. (Ps. Check your calendar, and realize that Sunday is the 1st day of the week,  and Saturday is the 7th day... This is because Pope Gregory VIII , who made the Gregorian calendar named the days after the planets.  Although that is paganist, it still shows you where the 7 day is.  Sunday is the 1st day of the week because the sun is the 1st planet in orbit.  Saturday is the 7th day of the week because Saturn is the 7th planet in orbit!!!)  So getting back on track with the conversation we had.  My B...

From Sodom and Gomorrah to at the Foot of the Cross: An Adventure of Marriage.

In 2009: I was 20, one night out by myself, I came across a man, who now I call my Husband: Larry Lyons.   Being led by the serpent, we began a Tryst.The lounge we met at was a 25 yrs old and over lounge, so naturally He believed I was 25. And I did not correct his idea.  We partied,drank, and fought a lot.  Fast forward to my 21st birthday(he still didn't know i wasn't 25) , we moved in together, unmarried.  At this point he had proposed once, and I declined.  We did sooo much unholy things in the first 5 yrs of our relationship, that I knew, God wouldn't dare let us in! We were headed straight for hell! 2014: Fast forward 5 yrs to April 2014 and my 25th birthday. God called me to Himself in a dream.  He spoke with me, and told me "I am calling my people to me, to be MY BRIDE." HE told me " Will you be My Bride?"  I gladly accepted. I was worried though, that the man i had spent the last 5 yrs with, would potentially leave me,...